Ammi midstokke FNtp
Ammi is not currently accepting new patients. To inquire about available services such as immersions, education, or speaking engagements, please inquire below.
Nutritional Immersion/Intervention
Sometimes we need to be immersed in our changes, to be dipped and soaked in the sensation of what these changes can mean for us, to be supported through both the overwhelm and the minutia of relearning how to be. Sometimes we need someone to come to our house and show us.
We do that. From helping you clean out your pantry to learning how to make a soup, we come to your door with aprons and compassion, and help you change your life and your kitchen…
Nutritional immersion is a multi-day experience focused on laying the foundation from which transformation can take place. It is often pivotal and profound work that reshapes our relationship to food, our environment, and how we care for ourselves in every-day life.
Email Us to learn more
Nutritional Therapy
Meeting you where you are in the moment
Our one-on-one nutrition counseling involves developing an in-depth understanding of our patients, their history, and their ideal health. These sessions apply nutrition education, health resources, and lifestyle strategies to nurture sustainable health. Whether our patients need a cookbook library, awareness of a shame cycle around a donut habit, or to address the symptoms of autoimmunity, we have the tools to support their goals.